receive practical and easy-to-understand advice specific to your website

your website is your best working employee

My website audit reports will provide you with comprehensive data about your website’s performance and make practical suggestions for improvements to ensure your website not only looks great but brings new visitors to your website and converts those visitors into new clients and customers.

Website Audits are your ticket to digital domination.


$ 350
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Video walkthrough of your website
  • User Experience
  • Conversion Optimisation
  • Performance & Security
  • Legal review
  • My recommendations for improvements

Imagine your website as a quirky house full of digital nooks and crannies just waiting to be explored! A website audit report is like hiring a team of merry detectives to snoop around and uncover all the hidden treasures and dusty cobwebs lurking in your virtual abode. It’s like giving your website a spa day, a makeover, and a treasure hunt all rolled into one! By embarking on this whimsical adventure, you’re not just tidying up your online dwelling; you’re unlocking the secret passageways to improved performance, enhanced user experience, and a digital kingdom that’s fit for royalty! So grab your magnifying glass and get ready to uncover the mysteries of your website’s inner workings—it’s time to turn your cyber-castle into a pixelated paradise!


$ 350
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Video walkthrough of your website
  • User Experience
  • Conversion Optimisation
  • Performance & Security
  • Legal review
  • On page SEO results
  • Keyword suggestions
  • My recommendations for improvements

A SEO audit report is like a detective’s magnifying glass for your website, where we don our virtual deerstalker hats and dive deep into the digital jungle to uncover hidden treasures and untangle the mysteries of search engine optimization. It’s like sending your website to a spa day where it gets buffed, polished, and ready to strut its stuff on the catwalk of search engine rankings. By delving into this quirky adventure, you’re not just giving your website a makeover; you’re unleashing its inner SEO superhero, turning it into a shining beacon of online brilliance that’ll dazzle search engines and attract hordes of eager visitors like moths to a glowing pixel flame!


$ 650
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Video walkthrough of your website
  • User Experience
  • Conversion Optimisation
  • Performance & Security
  • Legal review
  • On page SEO results
  • Keyword suggestions
  • My recommendations for improvements

Think of an advanced website and SEO audit report like giving your website a full check-up at the digital doctor’s office! It’s like sending your site to a spa day where it gets pampered from head to hyperlink. This report is your secret weapon in the battle for online supremacy, uncovering hidden treasures of optimization opportunities and revealing any skeletons lurking in your website’s closet. By diving into this wacky adventure, you’re not just fixing up your digital digs; you’re unlocking the magical powers of search engine domination, turning your website into a traffic magnet that’ll have visitors flocking like birds to a pixelated paradise!


$ 267
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Video walkthrough of your website
  • User Experience
  • Conversion Optimisation
  • Performance & Security
  • Legal review
  • My recommendations for improvements

Imagine your Google Business Profile as your online storefront, and a Google Business Profile audit report is like giving it a fabulous makeover! It’s like having your very own fairy godmother sprinkle some digital magic to make your profile sparkle and shine. This report is your backstage pass to the world of online visibility, where you can uncover hidden gems and turn those frogs into prince charmings. By diving into this whimsical adventure, you’re not just boosting your curb appeal; you’re casting a spell of enchantment that’ll draw in customers like bees to honey, leaving your competitors green with envy!


$ 267
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Website Analysis
  • SERP Results Analysis
  • Googlr Business Profile Analysis
  • Local Search Grid
  • Return on Investment Analysis
  • My recommendations for improvements

Picture it like a digital detective story where Sherlock Holmes meets the Matrix! A digital competitive intelligence analysis audit report is like your trusty magnifying glass, helping you peek behind the digital curtains of your competitors’ secret lairs. It’s like having a backstage pass to the coolest show in town, where you get to see how your rivals are strutting their stuff and where they might be dropping the ball. By diving into this treasure trove of data and insights, you’re not just keeping up with the Joneses; you’re ready to outsmart them, crack the code of success, and emerge as the undisputed champion of the digital arena!


$ 650
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Video walkthrough of your website
  • Report Grade Marks
  • Home page analysis
  • Site search
  • Product Categories
  • Product Listings
  • Product Detail page
  • Cart & Checkout
  • Confirmation page
  • Tracking & Reporting
  • Legal Review
  • My recommendations for improvements

An e-commerce website audit report is like embarking on a thrilling expedition through the digital jungle, where we explore every corner of your online store to uncover hidden gems and tackle any pesky bugs or usability issues. It’s your trusty roadmap, guiding you to the treasures buried deep within your website’s labyrinth, from streamlining checkout processes to discovering valuable insights into customer satisfaction. By setting sail on this audit adventure, you equip yourself with the knowledge to mend any cracks in your digital foundation, transforming your website into a powerhouse that unlocks the riches of increased sales, delighted customers, and a treasure trove of success!


$ 267
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • User Experience
  • Conversion Optimisation
  • Content & Cop
  • Performance & Security
  • Thank you page optimisation
  • Tracking & Reporting
  • Legal review
  • My recommendations for improvements

A Landing Page Report is like a treasure map guiding you to the buried gold of website success. It’s your trusty compass in the vast sea of cyberspace, showing you which landing pages are shining like gold doubloons and which ones might need a bit of a polish. With this report, you’re not just navigating blindly through the digital waves; you’re steering your ship straight toward the treasure chest of conversions and booty-filled profits. By hoisting the sails of optimisation based on this report’s findings, you’re not just setting a course for smoother sailing; you’re uncovering the riches of higher engagement, more leads, and ultimately, a bigger bounty for your treasure chest!


$ 197
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Performance metrics
  • Desktop Speed
  • Mobile Speed
  • My recommendations for improvements

A Page Speed Insights report is like a speedometer for your website, showing how fast it zooms down the digital highway. It gives you the lowdown on how quickly your pages load and where they might be hitting a traffic jam. Think of it as your website’s personal trainer, nudging it to shed those extra seconds and sprint to the finish line. By tuning up your site’s speed, you’re not just impressing visitors with lightning-fast load times; you’re also boosting your chances of winning the race for top rankings on search engines like a turbocharged rocket. So, rev up those engines and watch your website leave the competition in the dust!


$ 227
  • Multi-page report summarising my observations
  • Report Grade Marks
  • ARIA Attributes
  • Audio & Video
  • Colour Contrast
  • Buttons & Links
  • iFrames & Images
  • My recommendations for improvements

Imagine your website throwing a party, but not everyone can join in on the fun! An accessibility report is like the cool friend who shows up to make sure everyone gets an invite. It checks if your website is friendly to everyone, especially those with disabilities like a superhero with x-ray vision. It points out if your website needs a makeover, like making sure all the buttons are reachable for our keyboard-loving pals or adding captions to your videos for the hearing-impaired crew. By fixing up these accessibility issues, your website becomes the ultimate inclusive hangout spot, where everyone can join the party and have a blast!

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