Easy-freakin'-peasy answers to your burning questions

1. Who is Modern Maven Studio?
A kick-ass web design studio for those wanting to take their products and services to the next level with a stellar web design to entice their ideal client. I also make an amazing mojito at happy hour if you’re ever in the ‘hood.
2. Why am I here?
I’m guessing you need a web designer with a great eye for detail. Maybe someone recommended me or maybe my Insta posts made you laugh out loud and you needed to ‘check out that chick’ more.
3. So what exactly does a web designer do?
I’m creative and I’m tech-savvy. So I combined these rad skills to build and design websites. I have the ability to understand what is needed to make a website functional, pretty as f*ck and easy to use, but at the same time make it appealing to your ideal client. I start by studying your design brief, industry and target audience. Then I drink a sh*t load of coffee and as soon as the buzz kicks in, I’m off to the land of creativity.
4. Do you like French Champagne?
Umm…. Do you like French Fries? I heart Champagne big time. However, I am more of a Prosecco lover.
5. I’m new to this stuff. Can you help me?
Guiding you through this web wilderness is what I do best. Just ask my past clients. Check out my range of web packages and if you’re feeling me, the next step is to fill in the contact form. I’ll hold your hand and take it nice and slow.
6. Why should I stick around and explore your site?
The site is loaded up with tips and tricks for biz owners. You can find articles on colour palettes to branding to the best ice cream ever made. I also like to share hilarious videos (like this one) and compliment you on your prettiness.
7. Will you be my best friend and bail me outta jail?
No, but we can exchange digits and Zoom each other. Does that work for you?
8. I don’t live in Sydney. Do you work with interstate and overseas legends?
If you have a villa in the Maldives or a brownstone in NYC, just send me a plane ticket and I’ll meet you.
Or we can email, phone, Zoom whenever you like. I’m super quick on email and happy to schedule in chats. I’ve worked with clients from all over the world so time zones mean nudda to designing a website.
9. I’ve never hired a web designer before. What should I know?
Hmmm … I guess you should know that:
- I believe in investing in good design. Sure there are lots of DIY platforms out there but I’ve got the development, design and coding skills to bring your website to life.
- I only work with people who are committed and have the time to communicate with me. This keeps the creative momentum flowing.
- I’m a whip cracker but my past clients love that I hold them accountable. I will send reminders and provide a timeline of all the key dates for you to print and stick on your wine fridge.
10. Where are you located?
I’m based in Sydney spend a lot of my time travelling between my home studio and my wine fridge. My assistants, Sonny and Benji, currently reside in Dawgville and occasionally bark orders at me.
11. How do you guys work so well together?
Chicken necks, belly tickles & Happy Hour keep us active and in a committed relationship.
12. What is your one piece of advice?
Overpack. It’s why suitcases have wheels now.
13. What’s your favourite word?
I have two favourite words. Aubergine and Debauchery. I’m yet to use both words in the same sentence but when I do, my LORDE will I sound sophisticated.
14. Do you have any advice for tapping into my creative side?
Meditate and drink green juice. Or maybe it’s meditate and drink Champagne. I can’t remember. Try both and see what floats your boat.
15. Are you cool with stalking?
If you’re wearing a dark trench coat and you’re standing outside my window, back the f*ck away.
Otherwise, stalk away here …..
16. Ummm… what now?
Making the first move in any relationship is boot shaking. All you need to do is click on the button and type the words “Brooke, can you help me?” or “Brooke, let me take you out to dinner” and we’ll go from there. Nice and slow.