Why you should know about Secondary CTA Strategies

A secondary call to action (CTA) in marketing refers to an additional prompt or request made to the audience, usually after the primary CTA. While the primary CTA is the main action you want the audience to take, such as “Buy Now” or “Sign Up,” the secondary CTA serves as a backup or alternative action if the audience is not ready to take the primary action yet.

Here are some strategies and examples for using a secondary CTA in your marketing efforts:

1. Soft Conversion: If your primary CTA is a high-commitment action, such as making a purchase, you can include a secondary CTA for a lower-commitment action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free resource. This allows you to capture leads who are not yet ready to make a purchase but are interested in staying connected.

Example: “Buy Now and also get our free ebook by signing up for our newsletter.”

2. Social Sharing: Encourage your audience to share your content or products with their networks by including social sharing buttons or a secondary CTA specifically focused on sharing. This helps expand your reach and potentially attract new customers.

Example: “Like and share this post with your friends to spread the word!”

3. Follow on Social Media: If building a social media presence is important to your marketing strategy, include a secondary CTA to encourage your audience to follow you on social media. This helps you stay connected with them and provides an opportunity to engage with them on a regular basis.

Example: “Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive offers and follow us on Instagram for daily inspiration.”

4. Learn More: If your primary CTA is aimed at a specific action, such as purchasing a product, you can include a secondary CTA that allows users to learn more about the product or service before making a decision. This can be in the form of a link to additional information, a product demo, or customer testimonials.

Example: “Buy Now or learn more about our product features and benefits.”

5. Feedback or Survey: Engage your audience by requesting their feedback or inviting them to participate in a survey. This not only helps you gather valuable insights but also shows that you value their opinions and are committed to improving your products or services.

Example: “Try our product for free and share your feedback to help us make it even better!”

Remember, the secondary CTA should be presented in a way that does not distract or confuse the audience from the primary CTA. It should be a clear and complementary option that provides additional value or meets the needs of users who are not yet ready to take the primary action.

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